Gratitude Means Changing your Perspective... and Perspective is EVERYTHING!

Gratitude Means Changing your Perspective ... and Perspective is EVERYTHING!

November 22, 20222 min read

Enter his gates with thanksgiving
and his courts with praise;
give thanks to him and praise his name - Psalm 100:4

I LOVE the Holidays! Especially one that revolves around family and food, as I am a great cook and I love to show my love through my kitchen. 

But... I also love that this season gives us an opportunity to talk about GRATITUDE. 

Gratitude means Changing Your Perspective. For me to go from Victim to Victor, it took a change in world view. I needed to change how I interpreted life. 

I had to move from a feeling of Life happening TO me to Life happening FOR me. 

Do you feel that way? Like EVERYTHING happens TO you??? Your finances are a mess because your families can't afford childcare. Your Center is a mess because you can't find good staff. I sure did. 

But then I started to do the work and I realized this is a mindset of scarcity, not the abundance I wanted. 

When you start seeing life from abundance... things change.

The reality is that there are limitless amounts of happiness and everything you need in this world. 

Gratitude forces us to see this abundance.

The truth is that Life Happens. Life is 50% good/ 50% bad. YOU DECIDE which you focus on. When you force yourself to be grateful, you will find reasons every day. 

Here is a Homework Assignment that will change you, as it changed me: Wake up every morning and force yourself to come up with 5 things that you are grateful for. Each day you will come up with 5 more. The hard part is that you are not allowed to repeat! 

Coming up with something each day for 30 days, as many do in November, is easy. Coming up with 5 daily without repeating will get harder and harder UNTIL THE MAGIC HAPPENS and it suddenly gets easier! You start seeing GRATITUDE IN EVERYTHING

You will start to see blessings in everything and everywhere you look. 

It is here where you can't help but be JOYFUL. 

Life is BIG, if you allow it to be and see it for what it is. 

A heart of gratitude is where it all starts. 


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